Tuesday 10 November 2015

Storyboard one

 Maya and her friend, Layla are talking via web cam about the latest gossips in their school like typical teenager girls. This scene will usually have medium shots and bridging shots- two shots from the scene going back and forth of Maya and Layla talking to each other to help the audience know what they are saying.

Whilst Maya is talking, her coffee falls dramatically but Maya doesn't acknowledge the cup and doesn't feel bothered to pick it up. This will also be shot from medium shot.

An anonymous text disrupts Maya's conversation with her friend. This automatically makes her feel scared, which makes her look around for where the person is. This shot will be taken from a close-up and extreme close-up.
 Maya doesn't believe what is happening. She starts to lose her mind slightly and self-conscious of what is around her. This particular moment will be shot from extreme shot.
 Maya is running to the hallway and she assumes her mind is messing with her head. This scene will be taken from POV so we can acknowledge how Maya is feeling.

She decides to clear her thoughts by throughouly cleansing her face but she doesn't know there is someone behind her- but soon enough she can feel their presence and she has long thoughts to herself.This will be taken from a long and medium shot.
 Maya decides to look back but there is no-one there. So, Maya finally knows that the events that are happening today is because of lack of sleep. This scene will be shot from medium shot. This will give the audience some reassurance that nothing bad will happen

She comes out of the bathroom feeling a bit self conscious and she finds her sister outside smiling dramatically- she questions whether it was her sister or a stranger. This will be taken from POV and medium shot.
The events of the day makes Maya clear her thoughts as she must have not have enough sleep so she decides to tuck her sister to sleep. This moment will be shot from medium shot

She is about to leave the room, but her sister's doll that fell on the floor, caught her eye. She scrutinizes the doll. This will be taken from POV and medium shot.

The teddy bear's facial expression changes, which leaves the audience in a cliff-hanger- as we don't know if the teddy bear was behind the attacks or her sister or some random stalker, so it leaves us with choices to pick from, which grasps our attention even more. This will be taken from extreme close up because we want to leave the audience in suspense and the best way forward is extreme close up.

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