Wednesday 18 November 2015

Camera angles

Rhythmic Editing
Rhythmic editing when you are manipulating the length of time each shot remains on the screen, When the length of a series of shots (i.e. the pace and rhythm of the editing) is varied, different effects can be achieved or enhanced.
The snippet of a movie represents ''Rhythmic Editing'' in this movie clip we can see that the director has manipulated the length of time so that each specific shot remains on the screen. Also in this video clip you can see that the pace of each scene changes, some are really fast and some are used in slow motion. This adds effect to the Rhythmic Editing.
Wipe editing involves one shot replacing another, travelling from one side of the frame to another.
This clip above represents what is meant by  Wipe Edit, as you can see its a sudden ''wipe'' from one scene to another.

A montage is a single pictorial composition made by juxtaposing or superimposing many pictures or designs.

The clip above is from the famous movie of ''Psycho'' as you can see in the clip above the director has used Juxtaposing by having two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect. You can see this in the clip where the women is being constantly stabbed by Psycho.

Shot Reverse Shot (Shot/Counter shot)
This is used in  film where one character is shown looking (often off screen) at another character and then the other character is shown looking 'back' at the first character.

The clip above is from the famous movie The Lord Of The Rings, in this Scene you can se Gollum and Sméagol having a one to one conversation with each other. While having the conversation you can see that the director has used Shot reverse Shot when Gollum is having is split personality conversation.

Continuity Editing
Continuity editing is the predominant style of editing in cinema and television. The purpose of continuity editing is to smooth over discontinuity of the editing process and to maintain continuous and clear narrative action. 

The first 50 seconds of this video shows us what a Continuity edit is. The flame which goes round and forms a continuous circle is what a this edit resembles as the director is adding affect on what the flame is forming and what it means.

Eye-Line Match
And eye-line match shot is the first two shots a character looking off screen at something and the second shot shows the object/character being looked at. Both shot/reverse shot and eye line shot ensure that even if the characters are not in the frame together we re sure of their whereabouts.

 The video clip above shows the women staring deep into something which is off screen however the camera then turns to the painting that the women was looking at to add that eye-line match affect. 

Graphic Matching
Graphic matching is where you use a smooth visual transfer from one shot to another.
The Link above takes you to a Tug of war video which represents a Graphic Matching example. In the video you can see that there is a smooth visual transfer from one shot to another, as shown in the video the pulling of the rope is transferred from shot to shot.

A Long Take
A long take shot is a long shot however its longer than your usual shot.
The image above shows you a Long Take shot, it may look like a normal long shot however it is Longer than an usual long shot.

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