Tuesday 17 November 2015

Sound- old

For our psychological thriller we will need music which would create a sense of tension and allow the audience to relate to it. It should symbolize the suspense of who is actually behind all the chaos and causing problems in Mary's (protagonists) life. Mostly the music we will be using will be non-digetic which won't be heard by the characters but the audience. It will be playing in the background to create a mood amongst the audience of the setting and the storyline of the film. Some of the music which we might be using is below:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vG2rPzkNGOY - Be used definietly

We might also need some soft music when Mary puts her little sister to bed. As thats where the suspense will start to build because nobody was supposed to be home but it turns out the little sister was home all along. This will create tension and make the audience think about the plot and the anonymous texts that Mary recieves. Some of the music to link to that is below:


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