Saturday 28 November 2015

Filming day 2

As we planned in the beginning that we were going to film in one day all together, we did film on this weeks tuesday. We decided to do it at once as our thriller opening was just located at one place and there was not much change of location which made it very convenient for us to film. As we didnt have many locations to film our task was manageable however, out thriller opening is quite different as it uses just a house as its main location. So on this day of filming we faced a little bit of problem with the laptop and phones as in this scene the characters were supposed to talk on webcam so it took us a bit of a time to figure that out. As a result, we used one iphone and one laptop to shoot that scene. The timing and the time of the day was good for our filming as we wanted to film in a little dark to create and effect and tension about the settings. Overall, it all went quite well but i think we might have some bits which might need re-filming which we will get done somewhat this week to make sure we get it done before the deadline.

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