Tuesday 17 November 2015

Focus Group Pitch

Who was we showing our ideas to: We decided to share our ideas to a group of 15 years old in order for them to understand what we are doing for our film and to see what they wanted as they were our target audience.

What we did exactly: We gave a short brief overview of what our story was about by explaining what will happen scene to scene, who our characters were, the target audience and the genre. We asked the year nine class what ideas they would like to be incorporated in this thriller psychological piece and how this would work exactly. The class either tweaked our piece involving the antagonist, storyline and so forth or they changed our opening piece completely. This is good for us as we needed constructive criticisms in order to make our piece better as a whole especially the opening sequence. 

How this contributed to our opening sequence? We realised that what our opening storyline sequence was missing psychological code and coventions such as the human mind as we didn't exactly make it clear enough how the antagonist is her sister or a random stalker is the antagonist or maybe her sister's doll is the antagonist therefore we must show attributes to consider each factor as to how they may be potrayed to be the cause of Mary is slowly losing her mind. 

During our period in the focus group, some of the comments we were given were horrendous as they didn't apply to the psychological thriller genre. It would have been better if we approached a more older year, possibly a year 10 or 11 as their age group fits more around the age requirements and they will be able to provide more reasonable answers into how we can enhance our thriller opening. Whereas, most of the comments given were reasonable but they wouldn't be incorporated in our thriller opening. We did identify few satisfactory comments that we will incorporate in our opening sequence. However, this focus group helped us figure out how to improve our ideas to a more better sequence so we will be able to fit our target audience's needs.

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