Tuesday 17 November 2015

Filming day 1 review

Wednesday 12th November 2015 
We didnt start filming on this day as we realised it is better to film in one whole day rather than only 2 periods. As if we film on two different days at two different times the content will be a little different and there will be a difference after its put together. In order to avoid that we decided to film in one day so its easy for us to do all the shots and know where it needs to be how. We will have all our costumes and props and cast ready to do it on that day. Another reason we couldnt really start our filming was that we didnt have any kid who plays the role of the protagonists little sister. Hopefully, on that one day of our filming we will be fully ready with all the equipments and cast to film in order to avoid any in convenience.

So our group decided if it was better if we started filming on a Sunday as it was a day where we could all fit and concentrate more thoroughly on our work.

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