Thursday 8 October 2015

Recreating shots evaluation

Our shots was taken accurately and precisely, which was the aim of this task but some of our pictures such as our low angle shot and two shot failed to have the same atmosphere as the original shots that were used to recreate. This was hard to have the same atmosphere these shots were meant to give as we were in a different location as the low angle shot needed to give a mysterious vibe to the audience but our shot displayed a very boring atmosphere as we were located in a school. It was also difficult as the long shot was supposed to potray a romantic atmosphere between opposite genders but this is clearly impossible for us to potray this as we had a girl consisted group so this shot displayed a mysterious, spy atmosphere. But, our device's clarity provided a consisent atmosphere throughout all of our shots taken regardless of the troubles we had faced.

Long shot

Mid shot

Two shot

Birds Eye View

Extreme close up

Low angle shot

Medium shot


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