Friday 23 October 2015

Crime thriller- case study

Code and conventions of horror thriller

  • Insanity
  • Lust
  • Nightmares
  • Good vs Evil
  • Lust
  • Intertwined feeling of hope and fear
  • suspicion
  • enigma
  • history of the antagonist
  • crimes committed
  • victimised people
  • sidekicks of the protagonist
  • cliff hanger
  • investigation of the crime
  • storyline that requirs thinking
  • complex narrative
  • chase scenes
  • There is some kind of crime committed by the antagonist and the protagonist wants to that.
  • There is alwaya victim, who gets targeted by the antagonist and the protagonist has to save them
  • The criminal, which is the antagonist, is forced to do bad which leads to a chasing of the antagonist by the protagonist.

What is genre

What is genre?
Genre refers to the term for any category based on some set of stylistic criteria. Genres are formed by conventions differ over time as new genres are invented and the old ones are discontinued. Every genre has its own codes and convention which are to be followed for that genre.  It helps us distinguish different genres from one another.

What are the main genre types?
The main genre types are Comedy, Adventure, Action, Drama, Thriller and Horror.

Thriller sub-genre

Thriller sub-genre
Thriller, like any other genre, has sub-genres as various amounts of thriller movies are not exactly thriller movie overall but a sub-genre with it. For example; Inception is a psychological thriller as it has mind games and it makes you think psychologically as well as thriller code and coventions in the movie.

Example sub-genres
Comedy- Mr Smith
Code and coventions
  • Spies
  • Fighting at the same place
  • Pretending to live a normal life
  • Filled with suspense

Psychological- Funny games
Code and conventions
  • Mind games
  • Play time
  • Suspense and tension
  • Interwined with fear and hope

Supernatural- What Lies Beneath
Code and coventions
  • Anxiety
  • Horror
  • Suspense and tension
  • Unpredictable
  • Interwined with fear and hope

Thursday 22 October 2015

Production and distrubtion

Research production and distrubtion companies(for thriller films)
Psychological thriller-Hammer Films is a film production company based in the United Kingdom. Founded in 1934, the company is best known for a series of Gothic "Hammer Horror" films made from the mid-1950s until the 1970s however, the company is also known for its production of thriller films and film noir.

Hammer Films would be an appropriate producer of our thriller because they focus on psychological thrillers and that is the genre that ours belongs to. Our group is going to mimic this film production because they give the same vibe and emotions that is needed for our movie project. This will enable us to be succesful and work efficiently as this production has made movies that is similar to our movie project for e.g. Psycho.

A film distributor is a company, or individual, who is responsible for the marketing of a film. This may include setting the release date for a film, be it privately (home viewing, such as DVDs) or publically (for example cinema showings).

Kaleidoscope Film Distribution would be a good company to approach with our thriller because they also specialise in psychological thrillers. They are well-known for their approach to unknown writers and productions that happen to make great movies due to their distrubtion skills.

Other well known productions and distrubtions for thriller films
New line cinema- This is an American based production that is proknown for their psychological thrillers such as 'The Conjuring', which has been named numerously the best psychological thriller of 2014 and 'Seven', a movie that has captured the world's eye and was the basic fundamental of psychological thrillers now mimicing their code and coventions.  They became a unit of Warner Bros entertainmment in 2008.

New line cinema would be a good company to approach with our thriller because they are well-known for their expertise in the psychological thriller sub-genre and the movies they produce also show this.

Lionsgate - This is a leading presence in motion picture production and distrubtion. It is a nearly $2 billion global entertainment corporation. They specialise in various types of thrillers and other genres also, their movies are known to be successful, especially their thriller genre. Thriller movies such as 'Saw' and the 'Hunger games'

Lionsgate will be a good company to approach with our thriller because they have different skills that the other distrubtions and productions dont have as Lionsgate specialise in all genres so they will include different code and coventions to the thriller movie that will make it successful. So we have to mimic their ways to make our movie project successful.

The Notorious Mr. Bout

Questionnaire analysis

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Shooting schedule- completed

This is the completed version of what we used to shoot every single week. But, we used this as a guideline not necessarily a strict schedule we should abide to. For example, one day when we were filming we filmed the bedroom and skype scene on the same day and the other week would be us shooting from different camera angles of every single scene. So, this shooting schedule helped us figure out how we should balance our time.

Tuesday 20 October 2015


What are the main elements of a thriller? 
  • Suspense 
  • Tension 
  • Excitement 
  • Exhilaration 
  • Fast paced 
What do they do to the audience? 
  • They make the audience jump 
  • High-level of anticipation 
  • Ultra-heightened expectations 
  • Uncertainty 
  • Surprise 
  • Anxiety 
  • Terror 
How is suspense used? 
  • It's unpredictable 
  • Builds up to make the ending moments more memorable 
  • It is sustained 
  • Intertwined with hope and fear 
What are the main characteristics? 
  • Ransoms 
  •  Captivities 
  • Heists 
  • Revenge 
  •  Kidnappings 
  • Criminals 
  • Stalkers 
  •  Assassins 
  • Menaced women 
  • Agents 
  •  Terrorists 
  • Cops 
Story and Settings 
  • A problem- an escape\mission\mystery 
  • Fight and chase scenes 
  • The protagonist is normally or has been traumatized 
  • They always have a special capability 
  • End off with cliffhangers on every scene 

Character profile


Female protagonist(victim)-Maryam(Mary Ayubi)
  • Gender: Female. A female who is a typical mean girl through her consisting gossip and her girly fashion sense. She is seen to be someone who intimidates anyone in her way.
  • Age: 17 years old- Mary should be around this age as her character and personality is conveyed more abruptly. Also, this age portrays vulnerability as this is conveyed in this character a lot in most aspects in the film.
  • Personality: She is a pessimistic, big-headed girl, who likes to make decisions independently for her own self interest. She likes to think she has a big dominance in everyone's life and they all need her to survive and work sufficiently, which is important as she will get attacked on her superiority.
  • Ethnic group: White- A typical victim in most thriller-horror movies are white as they are seen to be the most vulnerable.
  • Background detail: Mary Ayubi lives with her 7 year old little sister who constantly bugs her and tries to copy her; her anti-social 13 year old brother who uncomfortably looks at her friends; her laid- back dad and her fashionasta mum. She was born in Spain but she moved to Chelsea in London when she was 2 years old. 
Mary Ayubi is seen to be a female victim as well as a protagonist of the film and she gets attacked through constant mind games. We wanted her to look like Regina George because she shows that arrogance and big-headness that Maryam has to present.
Female antagonist- Adelina(Mary's sister)

  • Age: 6 years old- Adelina should be around this age because this is the main age of innocence and vulnerability, which emphasises she wouldn't do much at such a young age but this sterotype is broken.
  • Gender: Female- this gender shows more cuteness and innocence rather than the antagonist being female. An antagonist being a young female girl, as a group, makes us show that we are breaking the sterotype of having a usual old, black man as a Hollywood tradition.
  • Personality: vile, sly character that gets what she wants by acting innocent and acting like a little baby, which makes everyone give her what she wants and adore her throughouly. She is a trouble-maker who is a cause of everyone's oppression and misery in life. But, of course, her personality is not shown at the start of the film but there are some aspects where the audience questions her actions.
  • Ethnic group- White- This ethnic group is most dominant in typical Hollywood movies and her ethnic group shows more innocence, which makes the audience fall for her as she is so adoring.
  • Background detail: She was born in Chelsea in London and when she was 2 years old she was close to killing her older brother. She has been sent to anger mangament but she fakes it that she has recovered after 2 days there.Adelina intimidates her teachers every single year and she never once got excluded. She kills her toys and claims that it went worn out.
Adelina is the main antagonist in the film but there are some other antagonists in the film that we don't know whether they are an antagonist or not. We wanted her to look like Maltida because she is mischievous and cute, which Adelina potrays but she is more mischevious than Maltida was.

Protagonist's friend(extra role)- Maya Mir
  • Age: 16 years old - She is Mary's supposedly best friend but in reality, she is a follower of Mary and listens to whatever she says even if it's against her.
  • Gender: Female- The hopeless, desperate identity is more presented in female than men so this will be presented more effectively. Also, if she was a male it will corrupt the storyline as it is a thriller horror not a romance thriller.
  • Personality: She is desperate to become popular and wants everyone's attention but everyone's attention is on Mary. She is a back-chatter who talks about everyone, which gives her superiority.
  • Ethnic group- White- This character is conveyed more in this ethnic group than other ethnic groups and most hollywood movies present characters like this.
  • Background detail: Maya was born in Hounslow but she moved to Chelsea when she was 13 years old because she got bullied repeatedly as she was considered to be 'too ugly'. Therefore, she changed her identity and looks so everyone can admire her looks. When she was 11, she suffered depression and tried to commit suicide.
Maya is an extra character, who is part of the reason why the protagonist is all alone with her problems as her friend fails to help her with her misery. We wanted Maya to look like Aubrey because they both are desperate characters but in a different aspect as Maya is desperate to have everyone to remember her name.

Costumes&Props- FINISHED

Props and Costumes

Casual wear like this jogging bottoms and long sleeved shirt will display the age of the character and engages with our target audience more. For instance, Mary will be wearing casual bottoms, which engages with our 15-19 target audience range but her formal t-shirt will help display her character more thoroughouly thus showing she is a perfectionist and wants certain things done her way. But, of course, the clothes that Mary will be wearing will allow the audience to decide what they think Mary is as a character thus gripping their attention even further. This costume must be a mix of formal and casual so we can allow the thriller code and coventions to flow easily- the costume helps display our character.

Laptop- This prop is used during the scene between Mary and Maya talking via web cam. This will help the audience understand what is happening in this scene more thoroughouly. This prop is also modern so it will make our thriller movie opening more realisitic thus engaging with the audience more. This prop also enables us to learn more about Mary's behaviour and more about her personality, which inevitably helps us understand her character and whether or not to like her as a character.
Phone- This prop is essential as this is used when Mary receives a text from an Unknown person, which develops the story further. This phone also displays Mary's character as well as the co-ordination of the way it is set-up straight next to her shows that she is an perfectionist and likes things to be sorted but this text in some sense ruins her perfect world. The colour of the phone also displays her character further as the colour of the phone is Pink and most typical Hollywood stuck-up girls are very fond of the colour Pink thus displaying typical Hollywood features in our movie thriller.

Doll- this prop is used at the end of our thriller movie opening to create suspense and tension. This doll is a representation of a spooky character that is anoymously texting Mary thus making the audience wonder if the antagonist is a random stalker or the doll itself is doing all the eerie madness. This doll conveys a demonic nature and makes us wonder if it is being possessed or it has a humanly power within it, which inevitably creates tension when it is thrown at the end of the thriller movie opening.



I experimented with different lightings in order to test which one is the most suitable in order to use in the scene.

Location 1: The bedroom

This is an image of the bedroom with the lights turned off however only one small lamp turned on. Out of all of the images, I personally like this the best and will cooperate this lighting into our film. Although taking this picture during the day, due to the dark colour of the curtains the room appears to be dark which makes it look as if it is night. This is beneficial for our group as when we shoot our film the lighting in the room will not be too dark so that the audience can't see what's going on, instead the mixture of dark and the small amount of light coming in from the window,allows perfect lighting in order for the image to come out clear. For our scene we need low lighting as that is one of the conventions which you see in a thriller movie, however with the lights completely off the room appears too dark which makes it hard for the audience to see the image. The small amount of lighting from the lamp and window, allows the room to look clear and mysterious.

This is an image of the room with no lights present expect for the natural light from the window. For our scene we would like to set it in a dark room, this is as darkness connotes with danger and mystery. The use of darkness can foreshadow the upcoming danger that will take place later on in the scene. The darkness of the image makes it look mysterious and unsafe which we are aiming for however I believe that the room seems too dark. This can cause problems as when we are shooting it will be difficult for the camera to clearly capture the video as it will be too dark.
As the lights are switched off and only natural light from the window is present, it makes it obvious that the picture was taken during the day. This is also a problem as the scene is supposed to be set during the night however if we turn the lights completely off it will be evident to the audience that it is not.

Panarama of room

This is an image of the bedroom with the lights turned on. Personally, I don't believe that the lighting is right for the scene. This is as traditionally in a thriller movie the director uses low lighting. This is so the audience are left in mystery as they are not able to fully see what is going, which builds up tension. However with the lights on, too much detail of the room is shown which makes the room appear safe and secure therefore I would not chose this particular lighting for the scene.
In the bedroom scene, at one point Maya points out to Mary that she saw someone walking behind her. However a silhouette will be difficult to create with the lights switched on as the audience will be see the actor clearly which will make it look ametur rather than scary therefore a we need to have a lower lighting in order to create this.

The famous myth of ' Bloody Mary' says that if you repeat Bloody Mary three times in the bathroom mirror with the lights off, when the lights switch back on she will be standing behind you in the mirror. Bathrooms are iconic in thriller and horror movies in order to create suspense and build up tension. In iconic thriller movies, the young, innocent girl goes to the dark bathroom alone, looks into the mirror and opens the cupboard to get something out, the audience warn her not to as they automatically realise that once she closes the cupboard, a killer, a ghost or a monster will be standing behind her starring back at her in the reflection of the mirror.
Bathrooms are mainly used as they are cold and small. The lack of space in a bathroom gives a sense of no escape for the victim, as if they are trapped.

Location 2: The bathroom

This is an image of the bathroom with the lights turned off. I had taken this
picture during early hours in the morning at around 6:00am. Personally, I believe that this image has an element of mystery and gives the audience a disturbing vibe. As the lights are switched off, there is lack of lighting and detail in the picture makes it difficult for the audience to fully see what is taking place, therefore they are always left in mystery and suspense. However, the lack of lighting could also cause problems as it will be hard to shoot the characters clearly as it will be too dark for the camera to pick it up however, we can solve this problem by shooting at 6:30am instead of 6.00am. This is as the bathroom will not be so dark that the characters cannot be seen, however not too light that the audience can tell that it was shot during the day. Instead, there will be enough light to see the characters and the details of the bathroom clearly, however still having the mysterious vibe to it. Shooting at 6:30am also gives us an advantage as if needed we can shoot early in the morning rather than late at night. This is as it makes it easier for our group to meet up and shoot.

In this image I was testing if the silhouette in the mirror is obvious to the audience. The sihouette of the man is ensential to the plot of our film as that is the main aspect of the film that create tension and mystery. In our film, Mary washes her hands however as she looks up she sees a silhouette of a man behind her. In order to create the silhouette, we need to have the right lighting. This is as if there is too much light the audience will see the actor which will not make it a silhouette however if it is too dark as it is in the image, the audience will not be able to clearly see the silhouette. In order to fix this we should shoot at 6:30am as the lighting will be just right.
Why I chose these locations:
The famous myth of ' Bloody Mary' says that if you repeat Bloody Mary three times in the bathroom mirror with the lights off, when the lights switch back on she will be standing behind you in the mirror. Bathrooms are iconic in thriller and horror movies in order to create suspense and build up tension. The location of the bathroom is not only set in thriller movies however are also used in
famous horror myths and legends. In iconic thriller movies, the young, innocent girl goes to the dark bathroom alone, looks into the mirror and opens the cupboard to get something out, the audience warn her not to as they automatically realise that once she closes the cupboard, a killer, a ghost or a monster will be standing behind her starring back at her in the reflection of the mirror.
Bathrooms are mainly used in thriller films as they are cold and small. The lack of space in a bathroom gives a sense of no escape for the victim, as if they are trapped. Bathroom scenes are very common in thriller and horror genre films; instead of a place for privacy, in the thriller aspect it is seen as a place of mystery and horror. As soon as the victim goes into the bathroom, either to take a shower, a bath or the clean up, the audience automatically expect something bad to take place such as a murder or a death. This is as the location foreshadows upcoming danger to the victim.
Bedrooms on the other hand unlike bathrooms are linked to privicy and saftey. The bedroom has a colour scheme which uses, uses bright, traditionally girly colours such as pink and purple which give the audience a false impression that all is well so far.
We used the location of the bedroom in order to almost trick the audience. By purpose, we chose a girly, "happy" looking bedroom rather room full of dark colours which gave a depressing vibe. This is as will make more of an impact on the audience when we subvert the stereotypical view of a bedroom or house and turn it into a place which is not safe.

Shooting schedule-Draft

Format of shooting schedule

This is how our shooting schedule format is and we will add to it when we start the day.

Friday 16 October 2015

Evaluation of preliminary task

Preliminary task

Our preliminary task has some strengths as well as flaws that let us down. We used various shots such as medium shot and long shot, which we asked to do and incorporated them all  correctly in our preliminary task so this shows a real understanding of what we were meant to do and enhanced our knowledge of these shots. We added tense music to create a certain mood, which was a very action atmosphere that was needed to be created was done fantastically as we had music to do so.

But, there were major significant drawbacks to our progression in this task. We failed to use one portrait orientation so this affected tremendously to the sequence of our project but the editing made this less obvious. The people who were shown in this project wore different clothes in the duration of the 2 minutes, which affected the mood of the project slightly and the intensity of the project. The major significant disadvantage was the clarity of the IPad as it made our preliminary task unprofessional and pathetic. But, these drawbacks can help us prevent situations like this happening to us in our final task.

If that doesn't work, the link to the video is:

Denotation and connotation

Denotation: What an image actually shows and is immediately apparent, as opposed to the assumptions an individual reader may make about it. e.g. red is the colour of a flower

Connotation: The meaning of a sign that is arrived at through cultural experiences a reader brings to it. (e.g. red connotes anger, passion, love, danger)


It is a dark, winter's day. Mary is home alone and is in her bedroom. She is having a conversation with her best friend Maya through the webcam. They are gossiping like any other teenagers about boys. Mary while trying to settle on her bed hits her hand on the cup of coffee and it spills on the floor. Mary sighs whilst her phone vibrates and she receives a text from an anonymous number saying 'are you going to clean that up?'. She is in shock, cold waves traveling through her body, she looks around frightened and bewildered by the text message trying to figure out who it could possibly be. Maya gets suspicious about Mary's sudden change in actions, worried Maya louder than usual asks Mary if everything's alright. Mary as she starts to answer Maya's question receives another text from the same source, 'I'm not there, look harder'.
Mary loses her mind as she couldn’t find nobody around her and freaks out. Maya, angrily asks her again to tell her what's going on. Mary by now figures out that whoever it is, is not anywhere near her but still is watching her. She replies saying she is fine and nothing's wrong. However for a bit thinks she's hallucinating and tries to act like nothing happened. Instantly, Maya sees a silhouette behind her dear friend and reaffirms with her of nobody being home. Mary confused tells her again that she is alone, Maya tells her that she saw someone behind her freaked out Mary turns around and finds nobody behind her. Mary gets angry as she thinks her friend is playing a joke on her which she then tells her is not funny. Maya confirms that she seriously saw someone's figurebehind her.
Mary does not believe her and asks Maya to wait while she leaves the room and goes to the bathroom to clean up the sticky coffee. She enters the bathroom and while washing her face she looks up and sees a silhouette behind her shocked and scared she immediately turns around failing to find anybody or anything. She gets suspicious about the event of things that just happened to her and while thinking about them she turns around and finds her little sister standing there with a doll. Mary takes a deep breathe and calms down after seeing her little sister, but she still couldn’t believe on what she saw and the text messages. However, confused as ever she looks at her sister and the doll which seems a bit unusual to her but ignoring her she takes her little sister to her room and puts her to bed. Meanwhile, wondering how her little sister was home all along and she didn’t notice her.
The doll drops out of her sister's hand while she takes her out of the bathroom to her bedroom. The mystery of the doll stays unknown to Mary and she tries to find out the truth behind the doll. Next morning, she receives another text from the same unknown source and freaks out because she still hasn’t found out who is doing this and why. Mary decides to go see a psychiatrist who might be able to help her with her situation as she has a feeling its something to do with her past. When she visits the psychiatrist she is told that she has some bad spirits in her house which are coming after her and she gets really worried. She comes back home thinking about the same and thinks what she can do to get rid of it and move on.
She glances into her sisters room remembering about her instant appearance the other day. Her eyes looking for something in her room see the doll lying on the floor and she moves forward to pick it up and the expressions of the doll aren't very pleasant. She figures there's something wrong with the doll and it is the thing that might have brought the bad spirit into the house. While she glances at the doll and thinks about many stuff related to the same she receives a much weirder text telling her what's going to happen next and she won't be able to do anything about it. Mary decides to go see the psychiatrist again as she feels she is the only one who could help her, Mary tells her everything about what's been happening and how she thinks it’s the doll that’s playing mind games with her. The psychiatrist in return tells her to get rid of the doll as it’s the source to all the disruptions in her life.
Next day, Mary as soon as she wakes up she takes the doll outside and throws it into the bin. She enters her house relieved that the doll is gone and nothing will happen now, when she sees her little sister re-appear with the same doll in her hands. Mary gets confused and quickly runs outside to check the bin and the doll is not there. She gets even more worried now and realizes that the doll is not safe for her at all. She reaffirms with her sister about where she got it from and she tells her that it was there next to her when she woke up. Mary shakes in agony and receives another text saying she can't get rid of it this easily, it came to her life for a purpose and won't leave without fulfilling it.
Mary decides to find out the history of the doll and where it came from. She trying to resolve the mystery of the doll ends up in an isolated house of pictures of a girl with the same doll her sister has. She chases after the story and as she progresses she keeps on receiving the texts from the same anonymous source but she does not stop as she knows for it to end she has to keep looking and get rid of it. The doll actually belonged to the girl whose house it was and whom died few years ago in a car accident. Mary later on comes to find out that the car accident that occurred, her mom and dad and she was involved as well as her dad was the one who hit the little girls car and the whole family died. That was when her family took the doll and the spirit of the girl is haunting her trying to take revenge. Mary after finding out the whole story goes to the psychiatrist and tells her everything. The psychiatrist tells her the only way to get rid of the doll is to go and leave it to the girls grave whom it belonged to. Mary does what she is told but her fortune hasn’t planned peace for her yet as soon as she leaves the doll she receives the text saying 'am not leaving you so soon' she turns back to the grave and couldn’t see the doll, it's gone. She runs home thinking it would have came back but it hasn’t. she takes a deep breath but the mystery hasn’t been solved and the doll hasn’t left her yet. Its somewhere near her as she keeps receiving text till the end of the movie.