Female protagonist(victim)-Maryam(Mary Ayubi)
- Gender: Female. A female who is a typical mean girl through her consisting gossip and her girly fashion sense. She is seen to be someone who intimidates anyone in her way.
- Age: 17 years old- Mary should be around this age as her character and personality is conveyed more abruptly. Also, this age portrays vulnerability as this is conveyed in this character a lot in most aspects in the film.
- Personality: She is a pessimistic, big-headed girl, who likes to make decisions independently for her own self interest. She likes to think she has a big dominance in everyone's life and they all need her to survive and work sufficiently, which is important as she will get attacked on her superiority.
- Ethnic group: White- A typical victim in most thriller-horror movies are white as they are seen to be the most vulnerable.
- Background detail: Mary Ayubi lives with her 7 year old little sister who constantly bugs her and tries to copy her; her anti-social 13 year old brother who uncomfortably looks at her friends; her laid- back dad and her fashionasta mum. She was born in Spain but she moved to Chelsea in London when she was 2 years old.
Mary Ayubi is seen to be a female victim as well as a protagonist of the film and she gets attacked through constant mind games. We wanted her to look like Regina George because she shows that arrogance and big-headness that Maryam has to present.
Female antagonist- Adelina(Mary's sister)
- Age: 6 years old- Adelina should be around this age because this is the main age of innocence and vulnerability, which emphasises she wouldn't do much at such a young age but this sterotype is broken.
- Gender: Female- this gender shows more cuteness and innocence rather than the antagonist being female. An antagonist being a young female girl, as a group, makes us show that we are breaking the sterotype of having a usual old, black man as a Hollywood tradition.
- Personality: vile, sly character that gets what she wants by acting innocent and acting like a little baby, which makes everyone give her what she wants and adore her throughouly. She is a trouble-maker who is a cause of everyone's oppression and misery in life. But, of course, her personality is not shown at the start of the film but there are some aspects where the audience questions her actions.
- Ethnic group- White- This ethnic group is most dominant in typical Hollywood movies and her ethnic group shows more innocence, which makes the audience fall for her as she is so adoring.
- Background detail: She was born in Chelsea in London and when she was 2 years old she was close to killing her older brother. She has been sent to anger mangament but she fakes it that she has recovered after 2 days there.Adelina intimidates her teachers every single year and she never once got excluded. She kills her toys and claims that it went worn out.
Protagonist's friend(extra role)- Maya Mir
- Age: 16 years old - She is Mary's supposedly best friend but in reality, she is a follower of Mary and listens to whatever she says even if it's against her.
- Gender: Female- The hopeless, desperate identity is more presented in female than men so this will be presented more effectively. Also, if she was a male it will corrupt the storyline as it is a thriller horror not a romance thriller.
- Personality: She is desperate to become popular and wants everyone's attention but everyone's attention is on Mary. She is a back-chatter who talks about everyone, which gives her superiority.
- Ethnic group- White- This character is conveyed more in this ethnic group than other ethnic groups and most hollywood movies present characters like this.
- Background detail: Maya was born in Hounslow but she moved to Chelsea when she was 13 years old because she got bullied repeatedly as she was considered to be 'too ugly'. Therefore, she changed her identity and looks so everyone can admire her looks. When she was 11, she suffered depression and tried to commit suicide.

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